Training Academy Sep-Dec 2018

The 3rd round of 2018 began!

Click HERE to see the intra-company seminars and you may choose those that better fit your needs.

Training Academy is a new concept in executive training and a catalyst for transformation in business coaching and mentoring. Successful methods and interactive workshops, that have substantially improved the real business world, are analyzed by high profile managers.

The Academy provides a superior quality solution, for all professionals who want to improve their executive potential, advance business skills and move beyond the limits of a management versus leadership mindset.

Pioneering thoughts and ideas – that have improved the real world of business – are analyzed, along with the latest announcements of prominent personalities and gurus in the field of Business Administration.

The Academy operates interactively and follows specialized and result-oriented approaches. Modern educational solutions aim at strengthening the staffing infrastructure and improving the elements of the professional behavior of executives.

Training seminars costs are subsidized by the account for professional training LAEK 0,24%.

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