
Strategic Management and Process Optimization

The reformed “Strategic Management and Process Optimization Model”, was presented, during the 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering, which took place in Thessaloniki. The model is based on the competitive advantage of Adaptability and it’s a contemporary management tool,… Read more

Sales and Marketing Intelligence: A Useful Development Tool

Sales and Marketing Intelligence (SMI) is a PROCESS through which both market and company data are analyzed and translated into vital information. This information is then, with the help of CRM methodologies, transformed into VALUE, converging Customer and Company needs.… Read more

ESG is changing the Financing Perception

Sustainability today, stands at the top of corporate agendas worldwide, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals have become major considerations in business development and transformation programs. More than 50% of companies have already incorporated ESG procedures in their transformation… Read more